Tuesday, June 6, 2017

SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal

SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal
SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Open Eyes IT Solution is going to start new session on SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal.

SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal
SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal
The focus of our course is an introduction to the statistical component of SPSS. This is an application-oriented course and the approach is practical. You'll take a look at several statistical techniques and discuss situations in which you would use each technique, the assumptions made by each method, how to set up the analysis using SPSS as well as how to interpret the results. This includes a broad range of techniques for exploring and summarizing data, as well as investigating and testing underlying relationships. You will gain an understanding of when and why to use these various techniques as well as how to apply them with confidence, and interpret their output, and graphically display the results using SPSS.

SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal
SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Anyone who has worked with SPSS for Windows and wants to become better versed in the statistical capabilities of SPSS for Windows. This course targets those with limited or no statistical background. The course is also an appropriate refresher for those whose main statistical experience was gained many years ago.

SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal
SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal
General computer literacy. Completion of the "Introduction to SPSS" and/or "Data Management and Manipulation with SPSS" courses or experience with SPSS for Windows including familiarity with, opening, defining, and saving data files and manipulating and saving output. Basic statistical knowledge or at least one introductory level course in Statistics is recommended.
SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal
SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Introduction to Statistical Analysis 
Principles of Research Design and Process 
Data Cleaning and Preparation: Using the Add-on Data Preparation Module 
Describing Categorical Data 
Summarizing Continuous Data 
Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion 
Checking the form of distribution 
Probability and inferential statistics 
Comparing Categorical Variables 
SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal
SPSS Training in Kathmandu Nepal
Measures of Association 
Mean Differences between Groups: T Test 
Bivariate plots and correlations 
Introduction to Regression 
Appendix A: Mean differences between Groups: One-Factor ANOVA 
Appendix B: Introduction to Multiple Regression

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