Tuesday, May 17, 2016

theory of SPSS

Pure Systems helps companies reduce the time and money to spend on IT maintenance and focus more on business innovation. The new PureData helps companies meet the challenge of managing these large volumes of information as it is able to perform complex data analysis in minutes rather than hours.
Businesses worldwide spend 70 percent or more of their IT budget on simple, repetitive tasks and maintenance, leaving little left for innovation. Pure Systems management system ensures 50 percent less time consuming for data processing and reduces the risk of downtime by 98 percent. As a result, companies can better understand, for example, what motivates the consumer purchases, how to conduct more effective marketing campaigns and how to detect fraud in real time.
The IBM PureData Systems allows working in a cloud model and is able to consolidate more than 100 databases into a single system. Like other members of the initial PureSystems offering, PureData is capable of implementing web applications in less than 10 days.
The three models developed by IBM System PureData are – PureData System for Transactions, which provides hardware and software configurations integrated and optimized to provide the flexibility, integrity, availability and scalability to any transactional workload; PureData Analytical System that accelerates analytics and has the largest library of analytic database market functions, and PureData System for Operational Analytics, which is used to detect credit card fraud, provide knowledge of each client for call center operations.
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Email: info@openeyesit.com
Office hour: 7am-7pm

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